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4-Nitrobenzoyl chloride CAS 122-04-3

Nazwa chemiczna: 4-Nitrobenzoyl chloride

Nazwy synonimiczne:Benzoyl chloride, p-nitro-;4-NITROBENZOIC ACID CHLORIDE;Benzoyl chloride, 4-nitro-

Nr CAS: 122-04-3


Waga molekularna: 185.563

EINECS Nie: 204-517-4

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Formuła strukturalna:  

opis produktu:


Dane Techniczne


Yellow crystalline solid




Właściwości i Stosowanie:

1. Kluczowe produkty pośrednie w syntezie organicznej

4-Nitrobenzoyl chloride (CAS 122-04-3) is used to synthesize compounds containing active groups and participates in various chemical reactions such as acylation and reduction.


2. Key raw materials for drug synthesis

4-Nitrobenzoyl chloride is an intermediate for the synthesis of antibiotics, antiviral drugs and antitumor drugs.


3. Important reagents in pesticide production

Used in the synthesis of herbicides and insecticides.


4. Acylation reagent in organic chemistry experiments

As an acylation reagent, 4-nitrobenzoyl chloride is often used in acylation and esterification reactions in organic chemistry experiments.


5. Auxiliary agent in the synthesis of dyes and pigments

Used in the synthesis of dyes and pigments, and applied to the coloring of textiles and plastics.


Warunki przechowywania: Store in sealed, dry packaging.

Uszczelka: Produkt pakowany jest w 25-kilogramowe beczki tekturowe i może być również dostosowany do wymagań klienta.

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