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Органски интермедијар

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Триметил борат ЦАС 121-43-7

Хемијско име: Trimethyl borate


ЦАС бр: 121-43-7

Хемијска формула:Ц3Х9БО3

Молекуларна тежина: КСНУМКС

ЕИНЕЦС Не: 204-468-9

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Својства и Употреба:

Intermediate of potassium (sodium) borohydride

Trimethyl borate (CAS 121-43-7) is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of potassium or sodium borohydride. In addition, it is also used for flame retardant treatment of cotton and the manufacture of activated silica.


Semiconductor doping source

In semiconductor manufacturing, trimethyl borate is used as a boron doping source for doping silicon materials. This doping can change the conductivity of semiconductors and is a raw material for the production of high-efficiency integrated circuits and other electronic devices.


Solvents and catalysts

Trimethyl borate is used as a solvent for paraffin, resin and petroleum in industry, and can dissolve a variety of chemicals. In addition, it can also accelerate the catalytic synthesis of ketone compounds.


Electronic industry and organic synthesis

It is also used in semiconductor boron diffusion and the manufacture of electronic components. At the same time, trimethyl borate is used as a derivatization reagent for gas chromatography analysis to help separate and qualitatively analyze organic matter.


Agricultural and environmental applications

In agriculture, trimethyl borate is used as an insecticide. At the same time, it is also used as a dehydrogenation agent in organic synthesis.


Услови складиштења: Чувати добро затворено на хладном и сувом месту.

Паковање: Овај производ је упакован у бачве од 25 кг, а може се прилагодити и према захтевима купаца
