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Адитиви и катализатори

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Icaridin CAS 119515-38-7

Хемијско име: Icaridin

Синонимна имена:1-(1-methylpropoxycarbonyl)-2-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperidine;


ЦАС бр: 119515-38-7

Хемијска формула: Ц12Х23НО3

Молекуларна тежина: КСНУМКС

ЕИНЕЦС Не: 423-210-8

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Безбојна течност





melting point



Својства и Употреба:

Icaridin(CAS 119515-38-7), also known as Picaridin (Picaridin), developed by Saltigo of Germany, is a highly effective broad-spectrum repellent widely used for protection against mosquitoes, ticks and other pests. Compared with the traditional mosquito repellent amine (DEET), icaridin has the advantages of longer-lasting, lower toxicity and non-irritation, and has become the core ingredient of many mosquito protection products.


Москуито Репеллент

ICARIDIN interferes with the olfactory sensing system of mosquitoes and ticks by forming a protective barrier on the skin surface, reducing the ability of mosquitoes to locate the host, thus achieving up to 14 hours of mosquito repellent effect. Compared with DEET, icaridin is virtually skin-irritating and is suitable for children aged 2 months and above.


Превенција заразних болести

Icaridin effectively repels mosquitoes that carry pathogens, such as those that transmit malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile Virus, and Lyme disease. Especially in infected areas, icaridin significantly reduces the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes and the possibility of disease transmission.


Multiple product forms

Icaridin can be used in a variety of insect repellent products, such as mosquito repellent sprays, mosquito repellent liquids, insect repellent wipes and insect repellent sticks. Formulations with different concentrations and dosages provide protection for different periods of time, up to a maximum of 14 hours. Common concentrations range from 10% to 20%, with higher concentrations providing longer protection.



ICARIDIN has a lower potential toxicity compared to mosquito avoidance amines, is virtually non-irritating to the skin, and has no odor or residual sensation. Due to its low absorption and good environmental compatibility, icaridin is considered a safer insect repellent for children and pregnant women.


Услови складиштења: Чувати у хладном, проветреном складишту;

Паковање: Овај производ је упакован у бачве од 25 кг, а може се прилагодити и према захтевима купаца
