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Глиоксилна киселина монохидрат ЦАС 563-96-2

Хемијско име: Glyoxylic acid monohydrate

Синонимна имена:Formylformic  acid,  Oxoethanoic  acid;Glyoxylic acid monohydrate;

2-Oxoacetic Acid Monohydrate

ЦАС бр: 563-96-2

Хемијска формула: Ц2Х4О4

Молекуларна тежина: КСНУМКС

ЕИНЕЦС Не: 679-230-4

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Својства и Употреба:

Glyoxylic acid hydrate (CAS 563-96-2) is a dicarboxylic acid hydrate. Due to its strong acidity and good solubility, it is widely used in many fields:


Прехрамбена индустрија

As a food additive, glyoxylic acid hydrate can adjust acidity and enhance flavor. It is often used in beverages, candies, jams, etc. to improve taste and extend shelf life.


Фармацеутска индустрија

It is an important drug intermediate, involved in the research and development of drugs such as antioxidants and antibacterial agents, and is also used to synthesize specific drug ingredients to improve drug efficacy.


Хемијска синтеза

In organic chemistry, glyoxylic acid hydrate can be used to synthesize amino acids, ketone compounds and organic acids, and also plays an important role in catalytic reactions and the development of new substances.



Glyoxylic acid and its derivatives may affect sugar metabolism, cell signaling and antioxidant reactions, and have the potential to regulate cell functions, which deserves further study.


Environmental protection field

Due to its chemical activity, glyoxylic acid hydrate has application potential in water treatment and pollutant degradation, and can help remove harmful substances.


Услови складиштења: Чувати у сувом и проветреном унутрашњем складишту, спречити директну сунчеву светлост, лагано нагомилати и одложити.


Паковање: Овај производ је упакован у картонске бачве од 25 кг, а такође се може прилагодити према захтевима купаца
