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+ 86 13963291179


Све категорије

Органски интермедијар

Pocetna >  Proizvodi >  Органски интермедијар

Диметил сулфат ЦАС 77-78-1

Хемијско име: Dimethyl sulfate

Синонимна имена:Dimethoxysulfone;dimethyl sulafte;

Диметил сулфат

ЦАС бр: 77-78-1

Хемијска формула: Ц2Х6О4С

Молекуларна тежина: КСНУМКС

ЕИНЕЦС Не: 201-058-1

  • Параметар
  • Slični proizvodi
  • истрага

Структурна формула:  

Опис производа:




Прозирна уљна течност



Тачка топљења


Тачка кључања

188 °Ц (лит.)


 1.333 г/мЛ на 25 °Ц (лит.)

Густина паре

4.3 (вс ваздух)


Својства и Употреба:

1. Methylation agent: core role in chemical synthesis

Dimethyl sulfate (CAS 77-78-1) is an important methylation agent, used for:

·Methylation of aromatic compounds to improve molecular structure.

·Methylation of amino compounds to synthesize methylamine, dimethylamine, etc.

·Methylation of alcohols and carboxylic acids to generate esters and methyl ethers.


2. Pharmaceutical industry: synthesis of drug intermediates

In the pharmaceutical field, dimethyl sulfate is involved in the manufacture of local anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antibiotics and anti-tumor drugs.


3. Pesticide manufacturing: enhancing crop resistance

Dimethyl sulfate is used to produce insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc., to help improve crop disease resistance and growth effects.


4. Dye and pigment production: color and stability improvement

In the dye and pigment industry, dimethyl sulfate is used to synthesize various dyes and is used in the dyeing of textiles, paper and other materials.


5. Flavors and Fragrances: Key Ingredients for Unique Aromas

Dimethyl sulfate helps create chemicals with specific aromas by methylating alcohols and other groups.


Услови складиштења: Storage precautions: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated dedicated warehouse

Паковање: Овај производ је упакован у бачве од 25 кг, а може се прилагодити и према захтевима купаца
