2-метилпиразин ЦАС 109-08-0 Србија
Хемијско име: 2-Methylpyrazine
Синонимна имена:METHYLPYRAZINE, 2-;2-methyl-1,4-diazinen;
ЦАС бр: 109-08-0
Хемијска формула: Ц5Х6Н2
Молекуларна тежина: КСНУМКС
ЕИНЕЦС Не: 203-645-8
- Параметар
- Slični proizvodi
- истрага
Структурна формула:
Опис производа:
Артикли |
specifikacije |
Изглед |
Безбојна течност |
Тачка топљења |
Тачка кључања |
Густина |
1.03 g/mL at 20 °C |
Својства и Употреба:
1. Прехрамбена индустрија и индустрија укуса
2-Methylpyrazine is characterized by its warm nutty aroma and is an important ingredient in food flavoring. It is often used in coffee, chocolate, baked goods, nuts and meat products to enhance the aroma level and taste experience of the product.
2. Пестициди и заштита биља
The biological activity of 2-methylpyrazine makes it an important raw material for synthetic insecticides, which helps to resist pests and protect the healthy growth of crops.
3. Фармацеутска индустрија
2-Methylpyrazine is a key intermediate in the synthesis of multiple drugs, especially in the manufacture of the anti-tuberculosis drug pyrazinamide.
4. Козметика и производи за негу коже
2-Methylpyrazine is used as a fragrance and functional additive in some fragrances and skin care products.
5. Мониторинг животне средине
In environmental science, 2-methylpyrazine is used as a chemical marker for detecting water and air pollution.
Услови складиштења: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire, heat sources, and anti-static. The warehouse temperature should not exceed 30°C. Keep the container sealed. Store separately from oxidants and avoid mixing. Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. Do not use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and appropriate containment materials.
Паковање: Овај производ је упакован у бачве од 25 кг, а може се прилагодити и према захтевима купаца