Метилглиоксал 1,1-диметил ацетал CAS 6342-56-9 Монгол
Химийн нэр: Methylglyoxal 1,1-dimethyl acetal
Ижил нэрс:1,1-DIMETHOXY-2-PROPANONE;Pyruvaldehyde dimethyl acetal;Dimethoxymethyl methyl ketone
CAS Үгүй: 6342-56-9
Молекулын томъёо: C5H10O3
Молекул жин: 118.13
EINECS Үгүй: 228-735-4
- Үзүүлэлт
- Холбоотой бүтээгдэхүүн
- Лавлагаа
Бүтцийн томъёо:
Бүтээгдэхүүний танилцуулга:
зүйлс |
үзүүлэлт нь |
Гадаад төрх |
Өнгөгүй шингэн |
Шинжилгээ,% |
99% |
нягт |
0.976 g/mL at |
Буцлах цэг |
143-147ºC |
Хайлах цэг |
-57 ° C |
Флэш цэг |
37 ° C |
Properties and Хэрэглээ:
1. Органик синтезийн завсрын бүтээгдэхүүн
1,1-dimethoxyacetone is used to synthesize ketones, aldehydes and ester compounds, and is an important raw material for the production of fine chemicals such as drugs, pesticides and spices.
2. Эмийн синтез
1,1-dimethoxyacetone is an intermediate for antibiotics, antiviral drugs, anti-tumor drugs and cardiovascular drugs, and is used in the synthesis of complex drug molecules. It is an important chemical in the pharmaceutical industry.
3. Pesticides and fertilizers
1,1-dimethoxyacetone is used in pesticides to synthesize specific active molecules to improve drug efficacy and stability; in special fertilizers, it enhances fertilizer performance.
4. Coatings and resin manufacturing
1,1-dimethoxyacetone participates in the production of materials with temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and high adhesion, and is used in automobile, construction and home appliance surface coating.
5. Spices and cosmetics
1,1-dimethoxyacetone is used to synthesize fragrance molecules and improve the stability of cosmetics. It is commonly found in skin care products and personal care products.
6. Solvents and Cleaners
Due to its good solubility, 1,1-dimethoxyacetone is used in industrial cleaners and surface cleaning, and can effectively dissolve grease and dirt.
7. Polymerization Catalyst
1,1-dimethoxyacetone is used as a catalyst in polymerization reactions in plastic and rubber processing to promote the synthesis of polymer materials.
Хадгалах нөхцөл: Store in sealed container in a cool, dry place
Сав баглаа боодол: Энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь 25 кг бөмбөрт савлагдсан бөгөөд үйлчлүүлэгчийн шаардлагад нийцүүлэн өөрчилж болно.