Лактобионы хүчил CAS 96-82-2
Химийн нэр: Lactobionic acid
CAS Үгүй: 96-82-2
Молекулын томъёо: C12H22O12
Молекул жин: 358.3
EINECS Үгүй: 202-538-3
- Үзүүлэлт
- Холбоотой бүтээгдэхүүн
- Лавлагаа
Бүтцийн томъёо:
Бүтээгдэхүүний танилцуулга:
зүйлс |
үзүүлэлт нь |
Гадаад төрх |
Цагаан, эсвэл бараг цагаан талст нунтаг |
Кальцийн |
500pm Макс |
хлорид |
500pm Макс |
Сульфат |
500pm Макс |
Хүнд метал болон дагалдах бүтээгдэхүүнүүд |
10pm Макс |
сорьцын |
98.0% |
Properties and Хэрэглээ:
Lactobionic acid (CAS 96-82-2) is a natural organic acid used in food, medicine, cosmetics, environmental protection, industry and other industries.
1. Food industry: Lactobionic acid is added as an acidifier in yogurt, beverages, and candies, which not only makes food more delicious, but also can be used for antiseptic and antibacterial, pH adjustment, and shelf life extension.
2. Medical field: It stabilizes drugs while controlling drug release, and assists in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems such as lactose intolerance.
3. Cosmetic skin care: It can moisturize, anti-aging, accelerate skin metabolism, and adjust the pH value of skin care products.
4. Environmental water treatment: It has chelating properties and can remove harmful metal ions in water.
5. Industrial application: It is used in cleaning agents and detergents, which can not only play the role of decontamination and descaling, but also can be used for metal surface treatment, and can also play the role of anti-corrosion and ensure the normal operation of industrial equipment.
6. Biodegradable plastic production: It is the raw material for the production of polylactic acid (PLA). The production of PLA with lactobionic acid can replace traditional plastics to reduce pollution.
Хадгалах нөхцөл: Хуурай, сэрүүн газар хадгалж, хүчтэй гэрэл, халуунаас хол байлга.
Сав баглаа боодол: Энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь 25 кг картон бөмбөрт савлагдсан бөгөөд үйлчлүүлэгчийн шаардлагад нийцүүлэн өөрчилж болно.