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Бvх ангилал

Diallylamine CAS 124-02-7

Химийн нэр: Diallylamine

Ижил нэрс:diallyl-amin;n-2-propenyl-2-propen-1-amin;dillylamine

CAS Үгүй: 124-02-7

Молекулын томъёо:C6H11N

Молекул жин: 97.16

EINECS Үгүй: 204-671-2

  • Үзүүлэлт
  • Холбоотой бүтээгдэхүүн
  • Лавлагаа

Бүтцийн томъёо:  

Бүтээгдэхүүний танилцуулга:


үзүүлэлт нь

Гадаад төрх

Өнгөгүй шингэн

Буцлах цэг

112 ℃





Цэвэр ариун байдал



Properties and Хэрэглээ:

Diallylamine (CAS 124-02-7) is an important organic chemical, which is synthesized mainly by hydrolysis reaction, converted from diallylcyanamide, the reaction is carried out in sulfuric acid medium with high yield.


Хэрэглээний үндсэн чиглэлүүд:

Raw material for organic synthesis:

As an important organic intermediate, diallylamine can be used to produce a variety of nitrogen-containing compounds, such as amine derivatives and amino acid derivatives. In addition it is often used to synthesize some special function chemicals, such as surfactants, plastic additives and so on.


Ionic water purifier:

Diallylamine is used as an ionic water purifier in the process of water treatment. When dealing with certain harmful ions or heavy metals in the water, it can effectively combine with the pollutants in the water through chemical reaction to purify the water.


Эмийн дунд үйлдвэрүүд:

In the pharmaceutical industry, diallylamine can be used as a starting material for amine-based compounds.


Хадгалах нөхцөл: Store in a sealed container in a cool and ventilated place. Avoid open flames and high temperatures.

Сав баглаа боодол: Энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь 25 кг бөмбөрт савлагдсан бөгөөд үйлчлүүлэгчийн шаардлагад нийцүүлэн өөрчилж болно.
