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HPMA CAS 27813-02-1

What we want to tell you about: HPMA This is an extremely important chemical that is used in various factories and industries in the world. HPMA, or hydroxypropyl methacrylate, is a long name, but it helps inform scientists and workers about the type of chemical with which they are dealing. A registry number, for example, CAS 27813-02-1, is a unique identifier which defines that exact chemical from the hundreds of thousands of other existing chemicals.

HPMA CAS 27813-02-1 are clear and colorless. Which makes it really easy to identify and work with. Contains alcohol as well and has a slight smell like alcohol. The reason that this is important is that this helps people understand what they are getting. This chemical has a mass of 210.26, which specifies how heavy it is. Since it has a boiling point of 361.9 degrees Fahrenheit, it is quite hot before it can become steam.

Applications and Benefits of HPMA CAS 27813-02-1

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Now coming to the applications of HPMA CAS 27813-02-1 in various industries. This chemical is a staple in the production of a variety of plastics. Polymers, large molecules composed of repeating subunits, some of which are used to produce the everyday products we are familiar with.

Apart from being a polymer building block, HPMA CAS 27813-02-1 is also extremely useful in water cleaning. It works like a superhero that pulls out the bad stuff from the water such as heavy metals and other nasty bits. That makes the water, vastly, safer for drinking and other essential uses, such as cooking and washing.

Why choose FSCI HPMA CAS 27813-02-1?

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