Tropolone CAS 533-75-5
Chemeschen Numm: Tropolone
Synonym Nimm:2-Hydroxy-2,4,6-cycloheptatrien-1-one;
CAS Nr: 533-75-5
molekulare Formule: C7H6O2
molekulare Gewiicht: 122.12
EINECS Nee: 208-577-2
- Parameter
- Zesummenhang Produiten
- Ëmfro
Produkt beschreiwung:
Kuurzmeldung |
Spezifikatioune |
Resultater |
Ausgesinn |
Slight yellow crystal |
Slight yellow crystal |
Assay |
≥99% |
99.91% |
Schmëlzpunkt |
49 ℃ ~ 51 ℃ |
49.8 ℃ ~ 51.2 ℃ |
dréngt |
≤0.5% |
0.16% |
Conclusioun |
D'Resultater entspriechen d'Entreprise Standarden |
Eegeschaften an Verwendung:
1.Pharmaceutesch Industrie
Trophenone(CAS 533-75-5), as a pharmaceutical intermediate, is commonly used in the synthesis of biologically active molecules and is an important raw material in the chemical synthesis of drugs.
2.Dyestuff intermediates
In the dyestuff industry, Trophenone is involved in the synthesis of dyes as an intermediate, providing the necessary chemical reactivity. It helps to improve the colour and fastness of dyes and is an essential raw material in the preparation of organic dyes.
3.Kosmetesch Industrie
Tropolone is mainly used as a raw material for fragrances and colours in cosmetics and household chemicals.
4.Organic chemical raw materials
Trophenone in the production of plastics, rubber, coatings and other industrial materials not only participate in the organic synthesis reaction, but also can be used as a catalyst or additives to optimise the reaction conditions, improve the yield and purity.
5.Standard and experimental reagent
Trophenone as a standard in chemical analysis, commonly used in organic chemistry experiments in the qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Späichere Bedéngungen: Store an engem cool, dréchen, gutt gelëfter Lager. Bleift ewech vu Feier an Hëtztquellen. Vermeiden direktem Sonneliicht. Pak dicht. Späichere getrennt vu Säuren an essbare Chemikalien. Net zesummen späicheren. D'Lagerberäich soll mat passenden Materialien ausgestatt sinn fir Leckage ze enthalen.
Entgéintgehal: Dëst Produkt ass a 25 kg Kartontrommel verpackt, an et kann och no Clienten Ufuerderunge personaliséiert ginn