Trimethyl orthoacetateTMOA)CAS 1445-45-0
nomen eget: Trimethyl orthoacetate
Synonyma nomina:1,1,1-trimethoxy-ethan;trimethyl-acetate;
CAS No: 1445-45-0
Molecular formula: C5H12O3
M. pondus: 120.15
EINECS nullum: 215-892-9
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Properties and usage:
Trimethyl orthoacetate is a colorless to pale yellow liquid used in the synthesis of medicines, pesticides and other fine chemicals.
Intermediate for the synthesis of methyl permethrin:
Trimethyl orthoacetate, as a precursor compound in the synthesis of methyl permethrin, helps to form pyrethroid insecticides by reacting with other chemicals.
Intermediate for medicines and pesticides:
Trimethyl orthoacetate can provide the required chemical structure in the synthesis of medicines and pesticides, improve the biological activity of drugs or enhance the effect of pesticides.
Raw materials for food additives, coatings and paints:
Trimethyl orthoacetate can also be used as the main raw material for food additives, coatings and paints. It can be used as a solvent or reactant in food processing or improve the stability, adhesion and durability of products in the synthesis of coatings and paints.
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