1,3-Dioxolane CAS 646-06-0
nomen eget: 1,3-Dioxolane
Synonyma nomina:1,3-Dioxolan;1,3-Dioxole, dihydro-;glycolmethyleneether
CAS No: 646-06-0
Molecular formula: C3H6O2
M. pondus: 74.08
EINECS nullum: 211-463-5
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sistens descriptiones formula;;
depictio producti;
items |
Specifications |
aspectus |
diaphanum liquido |
Pertentare,% |
99.0MIN |
Properties and usage:
1,3-Dioxolane (CAS 646-06-0) is an organic compound with a five-membered ring structure, which has excellent solubility, chemical stability and biodegradability.
1,3-Dioxolane is used in polymer synthesis and coating production to improve reaction efficiency and cleaning effect.
1,3-Dioxolane is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of antiviral drugs and other important chemicals to improve reaction stability and yield.
1,3-Dioxolane is used for pollutant removal in the field of water treatment.
1,3-Dioxolane is used as a detergent for equipment cleaning and degreasing in the industrial field.
1,3-Dioxolane is used as a dehydrating agent in chemical synthesis reactions to effectively remove water.
Condiciones repono: Condite in frigido, ventilatis horreis. Ab igne et aestu fontes abstinete. Temperatura cellae non excedat 37℃.
sarcina: Productum hoc in tympanis 25kg refertum est, et potest etiam nativus secundum exigentias clientium