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ყველა კატეგორია

სტირენირებული ფენოლი CAS 61788-44-1

ქიმიური სახელი: Styrenated phenol

სინონიმური სახელები:AntioxidantSP;TRISTYRYLPHENOL;ANTIOXIDANT SP 10

არა: 61788-44-1

მოლეკულური ფორმულა: C30H30O

მოლეკულური წონა: 406.56

EINECS არა: 262-975-0

  • პარამეტრი
  • მსგავსი პროდუქტები
  • ინტერაქტივი

სტრუქტურული ფორმულა:  

პროდუქტის აღწერა:




ღია ყვითელი გამჭვირვალე ბლანტი სითხე

Specific gravity 25℃, g/cm3

1.075 - 1.080


≤ 2

Loss on heating (105℃ x 2h),% m/m

≤ 0.6

Viscosity 25℃, Pa.s


Refractive ინდექსი

1.5990 - 1.6015

Ash content, % m/m

≤ 0.05


თვისებები და გამოყენება:

Styrenated phenol (CAS 61788-44-1) has excellent antioxidant properties and chemical stability. It is used in many fields such as rubber, plastics, resins, lubricants and chemical intermediates. It is particularly suitable for products that require antioxidant and high temperature resistance.


1. Antioxidants in the rubber and plastics industry

Styrenated phenol is used in the rubber and plastics industry to delay aging and improve durability. It effectively inhibits the oxidation reaction of rubber and plastics to ensure the long-term stability of the product.


2. Plasticizers and modifiers in the resin industry

In resin production, as a plasticizer and modifier, it enhances the heat resistance and mechanical properties of epoxy resins and phenolic resins and improves process performance.


3. Antioxidant additives for lubricants and petroleum products

Styrenated phenol is used as an antioxidant additive in lubricants to reduce the formation of oxides and colloids and extend the service life of oil products.


4. Stabilizers for coatings and adhesives

Added to coatings and adhesives, it can improve their thermal stability and antioxidant properties and ensure stability and performance in high temperature environments.


5. ქიმიური შუალედური ნივთიერებები

As a chemical intermediate, styrenated phenol is used to produce specialty polymers and other functional chemical products to improve the performance of the final product.


შენახვის პირობები:

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