No1, სოფელი შიგოუ, ქალაქი ჩენგტუ, ქალაქი ზაოჟუანგი, შანდონგის პროვინცია, ჩინეთი.
Do you want to keep your food fresh and healthy? If so, then here comes FSCI ბენზილ ბენზოატი (BHT) to your rescue! And now, it is one of the most popular components in food service as this extra ingredient transforms how we preserve food, to extend change to hold and taste a lot longer.
BHT is a synthetic compound that can be found in a wide range of products from food and cosmetics to drugs. It has a specific role in keeping fats and oils from going rancid. When fats and oils go bad they can cause an off taste and odor. And no one likes that. BHT helps a lot in maintaining the freshness and taste of these foods over time. This means we can eat what we have without depreciating food that thus spoils and in enjoyment of food.
Researchers in the food industry are constantly striving to find different methods to preserve foods for an extended time while maintaining their health benefits. This effort is becoming very much related to BHT. Typically, BHT is used as an additive in food products that are high in oils or fat like potato chips, crackers and baked goods. BHT helps these tasty foods retain their flavor over time by preventing the oils from going rancid. Not only this means that we can eat them longer but also our customers are happy that they are getting good quality food!
(That's BHT, which is also used in makeup and medicines — not just food.) In makeup products, BHT is commonly used to keep lipstick, foundation, and lotions from spoiling. It also acts as a preservative that can prolong the life of makeup so that you can continue using it without concern.
BHT also assists in the medicinal world! Sometimes added to medications to keep the key ingredients potent. When you take medicine, this means that you can be sure that it has effective medicine in it to help you feel better. BHT is important in ensuring that cosmetics and pharmaceuticals are safe and effective for all of us.
BHT is a crystalline white powder that dissolves in many types of solids, liquids, and oils but does not dissolve in water. BHT has sharp melting (∼70–73 °C) and boiling points (∼265–267 °C), hence BHT can survive heating and thus serve as a useful long-term preservative additive.
Importantly, BHT is safe for humans to eat. It has been authorized in the United States and European Union (EU) for food and other products. But, be mindful though because, excess BHT may not be beneficial for us. And that’s also why we need to use it prudently and take safety precautions.