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एज़ोडीकार्बोनामाइड कैस 123-77-3 भारत

Azodicarbonamide doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, and it refers to something rather simple that many people use in food. This special helper is frequently included in bread and baked food items. It helps those foods rise higher and stick together better so that they can be delicious. Apart from food, azodicarbonamide is also used in making other things such as plastic foam and rubber, material used in many products we use on a daily basis.

The Controversy Surrounding the All-Purpose Additive

While azodicarbonamide is found in many products consumed by a large amount of people, others have raised concern that it may not be safe for all individuals. It is worrying to some that it may be a problem for health, and even allergic, some people. Because of those concerns, some countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia, won’t let it be used in food at all. They want to keep everyone safe and healthy, and that is why they made this decision.

Why choose FSCI Azodicarbonamide CAS 123-77-3?

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