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pob Categori

Trimethyl sitrad

One of the them has already created a new line, including a trimethyl citrate. It is an ingredient used in their ready products (creams, lotion and deodorant). Even better, despite all of these benefits, Trimethyl Citrate is also good for the planet. The products with no Methyl kuncoef do everything for you and your health, so they are the products with trimethyl citrate you choose when making consumer decisions in favor of our and your home (I hope on par), as well as the FSCI's bensyl bensyl. Darllenwch ymlaen am fwy o fanylion.

The benefits of using trimethyl citrate in cosmetics

If you are choosing skin care products with trimethyl citrate, you are doing a favor to your skin, along with the bensyl bensyl developed by FSCI. This is a great ingredient as it makes your skin soft and smooth, not to forget plenty of moisture. Trimethyl citrate also fights off any unwanted smells. With a fresh and clean feeling that lasts all day, no matter what busy or lazy things you may partake in. And skin-safe means better for all of us too.

Why choose FSCI Trimethyl citrate?

Categorïau cynnyrch cysylltiedig

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