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Methyl anthranilate CAS 134-20-3

Methyl anthranilate may sound like a long scary word, but it is a very useful one! CAS 134-20-3, this material has many significant applications that serve us daily.

Methyl anthranilate, for example, is widely used in the perfume and fragrance industry. The fruit itself has a sweet and fruity smell that reminds many people of orange blossoms and grape juice. This scent is extremely sweet and is used in many different types of fragrances to make them smell sweet. When you pass someone with a nice perfume, there is a good chance that the perfume has Methyl anthranilate in it, and this is a part of making that nice smell. As air freshener, and candles scented our homes and spaces smell, as in fresh and inviting.

Commonly used in perfumes and flavorings

Methyl anthranilate is also used in a wide range of foods to improve their flavor. It’s in all sorts of snacks and drinks. It is commonly utilized in grape-flavored items and also various other fruity flavors, providing an appetizing and also practical flavor. Methyl anthranilate is what you find in chewing gum, candy, and all types of sweet things to give it a serious fruitiness and tasty sweetness. If you like grape soda, or eat a piece of grape flavored candy, Methyl anthranilate is likely what makes it so tasty!

Why choose FSCI Methyl anthranilate CAS 134-20-3?

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